Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Always Running

My daughters have running club today. And dance. These activities nearly overlap. We will get home just in time for me to leave to teach my knitting class. There are times like this that we are just always running. So...I try desperately to balance these days with others that are not over scheduled. (Emphasis on desperately...)

With that in mind, I just found this super cute bunny pattern on a blog called Big For Small. It's a wonderfully creative site with so many fun knitting ideas. I'm not certain I will have this project completed by the weekend but what I love about knitting is that it's okay to file away an idea in your head until you have time to take a deep breath and get it done right. So, my plan is to have two bunnies completed but, if not, I will do this very soon and set them aside for next years baskets!

Also on my "I love this" list...this amazingly pretty necklace  has been on my mind for weeks. I love really delicate handmade jewelry...this slanted initial necklace is airy light and so unique. Super great mix of gold with silver. This would look so cute with a soft tee and cardigan.....

Super cute bunny friends!

love the silver on gold detailing

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